Byron E. Burke has worked in the music and consulting industry for over twenty-seven years. He began at the age of 13 as a gifted trumpet player and DJ from the Westside of Chicago. By the age of 16, he was recognized as one of the top teen DJ’s in Chicago which led him to sign his first record deal with the legendary “DJ International Records ” under the group named “ B Rude Inc “, along with members Anthony Nash, Shawn Robinson (not in photo), Tommie Williams; including Byron Stingily shortly before the group disbanded in 1997. Shortly after the disbandment of B Rude Inc., Burke, Stingily along with house music pioneer Marshall Jefferson began working on new music projects such as the Truth (Open Our Eyes) and Ragtyme ( I Can’t Stay Away & Fix It Man feat T.C. Roper & Herb Lawson). By the age of 19, Byron became the Vice President for Burstinglaw Music Productions, Inc. (Burke Burke, Byron Stin...
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